It’s time for us gun owners to face some cold, hard facts.
I think we’ve all have known the sad truth for a while but we’ve chosen to hold out hope that logic, reason, and the Constitution would win over the day. But even the most tolerant of us should realize by now that trying to get someone to listen to facts when they are driven by emotion is pretty much futile. Discourse using logic and law with an individual or group consumed with emotion is a losing proposition.
I think it’s time we just acknowledge the truth:
Gun control / anti-gun people want to rewrite or abolish the 2nd Amendment. The goal is nothing less than removing firearms from law abiding citizens and placing them in only in the hands of governmental authorities or wealthy people who can litigate themselves above the law.
There is a giant chasm between the two sides. Unfortunately there is no common ground.
That’s what makes this press release from Smith & Wesson so important.
After being attacked, vilified and falsely accused of being responsible for the lawlessness that is consuming our country by lobbyists, politicians, celebrities and the liberal news media, S&W felt it was time to cut through the crap and speak some plain, honest truth.
To be clear, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never broken into a home; a Smith & Wesson firearm has never assaulted a woman out for a late-night run in the city; a Smith & Wesson firearm has never carjacked an unsuspecting driver stopped at a traffic light. Instead, Smith & Wesson provides these citizens with the means to protect themselves and their families.
Straight up G
I commend them for it. It’s the right thing to do. We all should take their lead.
I mean, if you already know that no matter what you say, you will be met with scorn, derision and hate, why bother holding your tongue so people’s feelings don’t get hurt.
We can be cordial and polite when we defend our freedoms but the time for being politically correct is at an end. I’m through with fumbling for non-offensive words to describe my guns. I won’t agonize over finding the right non-threatening phrase that won’t trigger someone. I’m done with struggling to find a passive way to tell someone what I do for a living. I’m through with having to tiptoe around my constitutional rights.
I will never apologize for being a gun owner. I will not meekly bite my tongue when the subject comes up in conversation. I am a proud gun owner that exercises my right to protect myself and my family with a firearm. I enjoy the sport of shooting just as anyone else likes golf, swimming and even pickle ball (yeah, had to include that to make my sister-in-law happy).
We are not an obnoxious group no matter how the media paints us. There are 150 million of us. We should act like it. We will be sincere, respectful and logical, but we need to acknowledge the era of walking on eggshells is over.
We will engage those who genuinely seek productive discussions, not a means of scoring political points. We will continue informing law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutionally-protected right to defend themselves and their families. We will never back down in our defense of the 2nd Amendment.