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Seems That Guaranteed Constitutional Rights Are Really Expensive in L.A.

I'm pretty sure paying for a right is exactly the opposite of the definition of a "right".

"Well, we could go out to the grocery store but it's probably cheaper and safer to just make some oatmeal and watch Netflix"


After the Bruen decision all gun owners in California started wondering how the anti-2A politicians out here were going to respond. After the smackdown the Supreme Court delivered we expected Governor Newsom, DA Bonta and every other gun control proponent in the state to look for ANY way to subvert our constitutional 2nd Amendment rights.

Well, here’s the game plan against concealed carry and it’s pretty draconian.

As a Los Angeles Sheriffs Department approved CCW Training Provider, My good friend Paul Peng, owner and CEO of Sentri Institute Inc. wanted clarification on the new regulations and policies would be put in place regarding concealed carry in Los Angeles county after Bruen and with the election of a new LA County Sheriff, Robert Luna, former Chief of Long Beach PD. Bear in mind, Sheriff Luna is not a strong 2A advocate and is well liked by the L.A. Board of Supervisors, the Mayor and City Council as opposed to their antagonistic relationship with outgoing Sheriff Villaneuva.

It should be noted that ex-Sheriff Villaneuva oversaw the issuance of the most concealed carry permits in L.A. County in the last 30 years and was staunchly opposed to lockdowns of gun stores and ranges in L.A. during COVID in 2020.

Yeah, he didn’t make too many friends in City Hall.

The first thing to note is that L.A. County has shifted CCW processing and approvals to local police departments. (More on this later)

This was the response Paul received from the Long Beach Police Department.


$1038.74 for an initial application!!??

$227.00 for a renewal!!??

Now we see the plan.


Long Beach has a population of 466,000 with a population density of 9200 people per square mile. 61% are minorities and 20% of the entire population live below the federal poverty line. Add 3200+ homeless, a crime rate that is 1.2 times higher than the U.S. average (, and a police department operating below minimum staffing levels for quite some time (, one can understand why a Long Beach resident would want the ability to defend themselves. FT3 Tactical is only a few miles away in Orange County and we have so many L.B. gun owners that come to shoot with us.

You would think that the city leaders would acknowledge the need for legal, law abiding citizens to be able to defend themselves but it seems as if the exact opposite is happening. Long Beach city leaders are financially doing whatever they can to squash CCW applications.

The anti-2A city leaders are using whatever legal method, no matter how prejudicial, to keep law abiding citizens from obtaining a CCW

A person on a limited or fixed income is pretty much screwed.

If you combine this outrageous fee structure with a initial $500 - $800 investment in the purchase of your first firearm you can see that anti-2A politicians are purposely making concealed carry financially out-of-reach for a whole class of people.

The wealthy and connected will always be able to pay but the people who live in areas most affected by crime are forced to choose between basic necessities and self defense. The anti-2A city leaders are using whatever legal method, no matter how prejudicial, to keep law abiding citizens from obtaining a CCW to protect and defend themselves and their families.

It’s called “depravation of access”.

Remember when I mentioned that the approval process was now at the local level instead of the county? Because of this, city leaders can base fees on their own standard of fairness. Beverly Hills rates vs. Inglewood rates. In theory, we should see fees commiserate to the populations they serve. No such fairness is apparent for the poor and working class of the city of Long Beach, though.

10 miles down the 405 freeway in Orange County things are governed at the County level.

Orange County, CA

$587 total for an initial CCW application.

$81 for a CCW renewal.

Equitable from working-class Stanton to uber-affluent Newport Coast.

Long Beach isn’t alone in the scam.

The Santa Monica City Council raised CCW licensing fees to $767 (not including mandatory training course of $300) and renewal fees of $150 which is five times more that L.A. County Sheriff’s Department charged when they were responsible for issuance. ( It’s important to note that Santa Monica is one of the most affluent cities shares a border with the city of Venice and Venice Beach, two of the most crime-ridden, gang infested areas in L.A. County. Surprisingly, Whittier and Glendora, both cities in L.A. County, are only charging $243 for a CCW not including training course.

Then again, Santa Monica, Long Beach and Los Angeles are outspoken advocates of gun control and restriction of 2A rights, so there’s that.

California’s assaults on 2nd Amendment rights are legendary, but as quickly as these heinous unconstitutional 2A roadblocks are struck down, other more subversive tactics are being thrown at law abiding citizens.

It’s up to us to call them out when we see them and support the organizations on the front lines of freedom who are fighting diligently on the behalf of all 2A Americans.

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