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It’s Time For Us to Come Out of The Closet.

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

It may be a well-armed closet but it’s a closet all the same.


Living in a state that is not gun tolerant or respects the 2nd Amendment is a challenging existence. Being constantly viewed as an potential criminal while exercising a constitutional (and natural right of self-defense) can wear on a person. It’s a challenging living around people that are so consumed by emotion that logic and tolerance have no meaning anymore. Getting bashed and canceled from all sides on a daily basis by politicians, celebrities, educators, activists, employers, CEOs and wealthy people living in gated communities takes it’s toll. We are painted as unsophisticated mouth-breathers. A small and dying minority of extremists, but we aren’t.

We’re just living silently in the closet trying to stay out of the line of fire.

But I think it’s time that changed.

Before The Cafe was launched the original idea for this site was a simple YouTube channel called, “Why I Shoot”, consisting of 1 - 3 minute videos of people from all walks of life answering in their own words the question, Why I shoot? Videos from the average Joe right along side celebrities, politicians (from both sides of the aisle) and public figures. By showing that gun owners are real people from all economic, ethnic, age, sex, education and occupations I believed we could fight back against the false stereotypes that the media continues to force-feed to an unknowing public. It would have had no politics, grandstanding or preaching. I wanted to show that for all our differences we gun owners have unity.

We know that we are probably the most diverse group of people this country has to offer.


When I explained what I wanted to do to local gun owners here in SoCal the response was incredible. Everyone was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

“This is a great idea!”

“People need to see this!”

“This is what will help change the narrative.”

I couldn’t wait to get started.

But a funny thing happened on the way to a great YouTube channel.

No one wanted to do a video.

No one.

I talked to a good friend about it. She, too, was puzzled given that she is a firearm instructor and the majority of her students were behind the effort. Then we both had an epiphany, a moment of clarity that made sense of it all.

People are afraid of being known as a gun owner.

More accurately: People are afraid of being persecuted for being a gun owner.

Many of you who live in free states might find this odd and maybe amusing but when you live in Southern California it’s what we go through every day. I get it. A lot of gun owners and 2A supporters stay hidden in the closet because they have a lot to lose.

My wife and I were in a restaurant one day and I happened to be wearing an NRA cap. A man walking past our table leaned down and whispered, “I like your hat”, then scurried to his seat.

During the 2020 Summer of Love and Riots, a movie producer who was fearful of what was happening in LA decided to purchase a firearm but he was more fearful of his friends thinking he was one of those "gun people".

Because of a lack of gun culture and the liberal politicians that rule here, people in California and other states like ours have been indoctrinated to not only fear guns but to fear all gun owners as well. “Guns are evil so therefore people that own them are evil”. That fear is borne out of ignorance and fueled by a media hell bent on painting us as a minority of extremists.

The Cancel Culture is real and it's on steroids.

Two of my friend’s students live in Los Angeles and work in the film industry. They have actually lost work because it was known they are “gun people”. Like the above mentioned producer, being labeled as a “gun nut” is a death sentence in this town.

I have been in a room with a group of people had heard some say they would never allow someone in their home that was a “gun nut” or even associate with one of “those people”. I had known many of these people for quite some time, before I started to work in the gun industry. Everyone nodded in agreement. I listened intently while nudging my elbow on my Sig 365XL in my waistband.

I know teachers who could kiss their careers goodby if it was known they were avid shooters. Even the ones who support school police and the 2A know to stay quiet.

My boss wore his Instructor’s shirt to a store once and the cashier said, “So you teach people to kill people”.

If you take your children to the range and other parents find out, prepare for your kids to be uninvited to a lot of functions and there may be a request for a "conference" from your child’s principal.

Doctors are being groomed how to determine if there are guns in your household.

"The Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California Davis has launched a new tool kit for doctors and nurses that teaches them how to gently introduce the topic of guns into the conversation, with a special emphasis on spotting red flags that could indicate risks for suicide, domestic violence, homicide or child access to guns." LINK


Companies are now scrubbing employee’s social media accounts. Even though it’s your personal life, if they find something that they deem offensive or hostile they will find a way of putting you in a room with HR under the pretext that somehow you’re making your co-workers uncomfortable with your posts. My wife who doesn't have a social media presense knows to tred lightly with her beliefs around the office. The logical response of “Well, don’t look at it” doesn’t cut it anymore. This is happening not just with guns but religion, particularly Christianity.

The idea that we can have differing opinions when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and still breathe the same air doesn’t exist anymore.

Property managers and landlords are checking, as well. No private party can ban you from owning a gun. However, if you rent your home, your landlord might be able to prevent you and other tenants from bringing, or keeping, a gun in your own home. Also, know that you can be evicted for possessing a gun if your rental or lease agreement prohibits it.

So, what’s a law abiding gun owner to do in an ever-increasing hostile environment like this?

1. Those of us that CAN should be as open about their 2nd Amendment rights as everyone else in this world is about their passions.

I work in the gun industry so I have no worries. Everyone I know knows what I do for a living and I don’t keep that hidden. I’m proud of what I do. I’m also older so I really don’t care what anyone thinks anymore other than God and my family, but I have empathy with others not so fortunate. I wish we all could be as open and nonchalant as I am but I understand the reticence. Again, there are a lot of gun owners out there with a lot to lose.

Thankfully I haven’t had this “cancellation” happen to me. I proudly wear my 2A shirts, NRA gear and such with no qualms. Because I’m Black I’m pretty sure I cause some anxiety amongst the Karens of the world that I’ve run into because they want to feel “triggered” but not sure exactly how or why.

One thing I’ve noticed is when longtime acquaintances and co-workers finally realize that you’re an avid gun owner they tend to keep most of their opinions to themselves. They tend to keep their rants to themselves until surrounded by like-minded friends (Emotional rants work best in a like-minded crowd).

Those of us that can’t be cancelled should be respectfully vocal about our 2A rights. We can serve as inspiration for others. It let’s them know that they are not alone.

2. Don’t feed into the lie that EVERYONE thinks guns are evil.

Gun control groups would like you to believe that the vast majority of Americans believe as they do. Let’s do the math and see where it takes us. By all estimates there are nearly 80 - 130 million legal, law abiding gun owners in the U.S. Despite what they will say, we’re not a very anti-social group - we all are friends with at least one person that isn’t a gun owner. Conservatively speaking, that’s about 80 - 130 million other people that know us that don’t shoot not including family members. I would hazard a guess that they don’t view you as a blood thirsty, unbalanced lunatic hell bent on shooting everyone they see at a strip mall. Our friends are silent for exactly the same reasons we are.

3. Ladies, time to step up and get in the game.

Something that I hadn’t noticed but my wife pointed this out: Women seem to get a free pass at being pro-2A.


2A ladies you can be a powerful voice of sanity and reason. You can speak up where others can’t.

It’s hard to hate sexual predators, rapists, sex traffickers and domestic abusers and at the same time condemn a woman for empowering herself with the ultimate tool to make them safer.

Never be ashamed or embarrassed for being a gun owner. Your safety and the safety of your family and loved ones do not take a backseat to any emotional outburst from a triggered mob. No one cancels Mama Bears.

4. Remember, you are not alone. Join a Pro 2A group.

You are not flying solo out there. There is strength in numbers. Join a pro 2A group.

(OK, shameless plug)

5. Accept and be prepared for the inevitable.

One of the major problems new shooters experience is anticipating recoil. They flinch and dip the muzzle just before the trigger pull because of the expectation of recoil. It takes some time to get them to solely focus intently on grip, sight alignment, sight picture and a smooth trigger press and NOT on the recoil. "Recoil is going to happen. You can't stop it so don't try. Concentrate on what you CAN control". The same is true with your life as a gun owner.

In this climate you will get abuse. Prejudice, slander, disdain, wary looks and accusations will happen. Some friends and family will treat you differently. It's going to happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. But you can be prepared to face it.

Emotion and manufactured fear is driving all of this. Logic, reason and common sense will always rule the day. Law-abiding citizens wrapped in the truth and wisdom of the Constitution of this awesome country will never be marginalized or trampled... as long as we stand firm and stand together.

That’s why the attacks are becoming so vehement. Why every weapon in the gun control media arsenal is being so desperately used. Why lies and disinformation are spread by everyone including mainstream news to disparage and belittle gun owners.

Slowly, more and more people are realizing that we are responsible for our own self protection, our families, loved ones and friends, and the 2nd Amendment guarantees that right. Heck, 2A guarantees ALL the other rights we so freely enjoy.

Stay strong. This is a fight we will win.

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Oct 02, 2022

In your list of suggested pro 2A groups to join, I would make 2 suggestions. You may agree with me or not. I would remove the NRA from that list and add the Second Amendment Foundation (2AF) instead.

The 2A Cafe
The 2A Cafe
Oct 03, 2022
Replying to

Excellent observation. Thank you for the suggestion.

Yeah, I’m not going to deny the NRA has gone off the rails more than a few times and leadership makes us cringe. I have personal friends in the organization busting butts making needed changes internally. But they are a huge presence and can’t be thrown out with the bathwater just yet. Training and creds are excellent (NRA pistol instructor and NRA certified RSO) and they wield considerable influence and clout, but there are a lot of organizations out there doing great work to defend our 2A rights that tend to be overshadowed by the NRA.

But I’m not too sure that shadow is a totally bad thing.

On one hand it does…

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