One of the best handgun comparison resources on the Web.
We’ve all asked the question at some time:
“I wonder how this gun compares to THIS gun."
A valid question. You’re about to drop some serious coin on your next firearm so you want as much information as you can get. I do the same. I’m fortunate to work at a range so I have the opportunity to shoot nearly every gun on my wishlist. Either it’s available to rent or a customer comes in with something you’ve been drooling over for a while and he/she is generous enough to allow me to throw a few rounds downrange (Yes, we have awesome customers). Unfortunately, not everyone is so blessed. If you don’t know someone that owns what you’re looking for or your local range doesn’t have it, the quickest and easiest way is to visit your local gun store and hope they have it or get your info off this thing we call the Internet. (You may have heard of it)
Now, it’s relatively easy to get pics and specs but rarely do you have a site that can give you a perfect visual comparison, side by side. That’s where HandgunHero comes in.
From the site:
“HandgunHero was built after constantly searching Google Images for things like "Glock 17 vs Glock 19" or "Ruger GP100 vs SP101 size comparison" and not seeing useful side-by-side comparison charts. Whenever a new handgun was released or a YouTube personality made a video about a handgun, I would search online for images or charts to get a feel for it's size compared to models I'm familiar with. After a lot of searching but not finding, I realized this was something I could build for myself as well as firearm enthusiasts. So here you go - I hope you find it useful. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.”
First, select the two guns you'd like to compare from the drop down menus. You'll get a basic OVERVIEW of your selections.

Click on SPECS and you'll get length, height, width and weight in either All-American inches and ounces or standard Metric.

Click on VISUAL and you'll get two views. The first is a Side-by Side Comparison. Facing Up, Back-to-Back, Facing In and Back.

But the second view is very cool. The TableTop Comparison. Both handguns one on top of the other and the ability to adjust the opacity so you can clearly see the size differences. Really helpful when comparing EDC guns like a Glock 19 vs Sig P365xl.