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Guns For Me, But Not For Thee

Just an average Californian walking down the street. Living in the moment. Not a gun in sight.

Never miss a Photo-Op

In the wake of the recent shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay, California Governor Gavin Newsom once again went off about the “gun culture” in America. He even went as far as to say that the 2nd Amendment has become some sort of a “suicide pact” with the American people. A person that has such a nonsensical knowledge of the Constitution and the rights of It’s citizens should be kept as far away from the White House as humanly possible. I would hope that the American people bear this in mind when this man who governs one of the most inept states in the Union, announces his candidacy for president.

In a carefully staged video interview/photo-op walking down a street in Monterey Park, Newsom didn’t mince words while spewing his usual gun control rhetoric. He bemoaned the epidemic of gun violence on our streets and renewed his call for much stronger gun control in response to this tragedy.

Newsom's solution to the problem of gun violence in California is to curtail the places where law abiding gun owners can conceal carry for their own protection, making it more difficult for citizens to defend themselves.

Still feeling butt-hurt over the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision on concealed carry, he has made no attempt to moderate his feelings on concealed carry (CCW) making law-abiding CCW permit holders the prime target of his anger. His solution to the problem of gun violence in California is to curtail the places where law abiding gun owners can conceal carry for their own protection, making it more difficult for citizens to defend themselves.

While he calmly made his case for gun control while walking down the street flanked by an armed security detail of four.

In a state where crime is trending upward faster than the Space Shuttle on takeoff, he proposes disarming the population rather than allowing the people to exercise their God-given right to self defense. All while being surrounded by folks with carrying MP-5’s and Glock 17’s.

This insane amount of hubris is not lost on everyone and I even think his own security detail were scratching their heads. Now, they surely can’t go on record blasting their boss but I get the feeling they tried to do their level best to low-key troll the Gov.

If you look at the screen captures of the interview, this plain clothed, undercover security detail were certainly not doing the best job at covert security. It almost seems as if they were going out of their way to let the world know that the Gov had armed security. Heck, they might as well put a sling on those SBRs and open carry.

Since 99.5% of the population cannot afford to have armed security with them 24/7, this level of hypocrisy level is legendary. I tend to question the motives of a man who tells you that you don’t need a gun to protect yourself… when he’s surrounded by guards with guns to protect him.


Heck, you get detained by a guy that looks like this you will be going to jail or a CIA Black Site.


I don’t know if they actually planned to do this but it would not surprise me to find them at their local watering hole hoisting a beer to an operation well done, and I’m buying the next round.


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