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Guns and Marijuana at the Range

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

I shouldn’t have to say why this is a hard no but I guess I do.

Almost once a week we refuse entry to the range because someone smells like weed.

Yes, we know it’s legal in California and many other states and no, we’re not here to debate the laws of the land (well, not this particular law). Because we're a private entity we do have to make our own rules.

Don’t get upset about it. We’re not judging or profiling. This goes beyond all racial, ethnic, religious, status or socio-economic boundaries. We don’t care who you are: If you smell like weed, you don’t go on the range today.

It you are on private property, outdoors at a secluded rural range or natural location you are more than free to do whatever you want. Guns, BBQ and Beer for everyone and that’s OK.

We have signage EVERYWHERE.


But we operate a PUBLIC, INDOORS gun range. It’s the last place you would want to be surrounded by people with diminished capacities no matter how good you may feel. We treat marijuana use the same as alcohol use: If we smell it on you, you just don’t shoot today. If you’re starting a night out on the town, make us your first stop instead of your last. Party AFTER you leave the range.

Piling out of the car like this in the parking lot ensures a short stay at the range.


Notice I said, “Today”. A range isn’t going to ban you just because you smell like weed or alcohol. You just don’t shoot today. Come back tomorrow smelling like Irish Spring, you’re all good.

Prescription drugs don’t get a pass, either.

And we don’t just limit this to the usual party favors, either. If you have a prescription drug and the side of the bottle says gives any kind of warning about physical impairment, you shouldn’t shoot. That’s why we take the check-in process so seriously.

If during our initial interaction with you we encounter:

Un-focused eyes

Slurred speech

Difficulty in filling out the form

Odd motor skills when pulling out your ID

Inability to answer simple questions

… we will ask questions.

What to do when we ask?

The most important thing is the most obvious one: Don’t lie to us.

Dude, the half-gallon of Axe you drenched yourself with in the parking lot isn’t fooling anyone. Just be straight with us and everything will be cool. If you lie though, we now have trust issues and that’s not good in an enclosed shooting environment.

"No problem, Bro. I'll just come back tomorrow. Can I hit the vending machine before I go?"

Last week we were packed and had a 20 - 30 minute wait time. A couple came in to shoot and we caught a small whiff on the girl but nothing on her partner. We asked if they had been around any marijuana recently and they both said no. It just wasn’t strong enough to make a big deal out of it so we put them on the wait list (We get it. It someone fired up a joint in the car a couple days ago it could still get on your clothes). They headed out to the parking lot to wait and the girl immediately fires up a joint at the car. About that same time our GM (retired police commander) pulls into his parking spot. He got out, took a whiff of what was in the air and politely introduced himself and our rules to the couple. They didn’t shoot that day.

We have two older gents that are regulars. One night they came in totally baked and shooting was off the table for them that night. They totally understood (amazingly). Come to find out that one of them had some serious medical issues where the use of marijuana was, shall we say, expedient. No worries, on bad days they don’t come and good days they medicate when they get home.

What if I work at a cannabis store?

In this economy we're really happy you're gainfully employed, but change your clothes anyway.


Well, I suggest you change your clothes before you come and air-out the car. It’s no different than a guy who tends bar and has a shirt soaked in Jack Daniels. Gotta change the shirt. Our liability is too great and insurance too high to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Think of it this way:

Suppose you’re in the hospital room with your mother waiting for her to be wheeled into the operating room. Her surgeon comes in to talk about the procedure he’s about to perform in a few minutes and he smells like he spent the night at Snoop’s crib. He notices the look on your face and says, “Oh, don’t worry. I wasn’t smoking. I’m fine. It’s just in my car”.

I think you’d be looking for another surgeon for today.

Bottom line is this:

Party all you want. Celebrate as hard as you want. If it’s your thing to smoke a little something to take the edge off after a rough day at work, do what you do. Just don’t come to a public range with the expectation of going out on the line. We take this stuff very seriously.

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