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Frugal With A Purpose

When you're sneaky good you can make that target last all session.

FT3 Tactical is located in North Orange County, Stanton to be exact. Two of our nearest cities are Westminster and Garden Grove, home to a HUGE Vietnamese population. By some calculations the largest population of Vietnamese outside of Vietnam. Combine that with a large Korean, Chinese, Thai and Cambodian immigrants we have a lot of Asian shooters, members and non members.

With the recent cowardly and evil attacks on Asians in the news lately we also have a great number of new, first time shooters. I applaud them greatly. They choose to be victims no more. Great students, too. But they all seem to have one thing in common:

They’re kinda short.

Hey, just facts. No insult intended.


So when we’re walking the line we try to be mindful of target placement. If someone is 5’ or shorter (mostly kids) and shooting at 5 yards we try to tactfully suggest that they lower their target a bit.

Most shooters are concentrating on “Point of Aim” and rightfully so. The object is to hit what you’re aiming at. But being an RSO means not only looking out for the safety of our shooters but also protecting the range itself, which means we have to focus on “Point of Impact”, too. If you’re short and shooting at 5 yards chances are your head shots will probably end up in the ceiling downrange or pretty close to it. It’s just geometry.

Which brings me to this woman I encountered one day.

While walking the line I saw her target. It looked like “spray and pray” shooting so I stopped for a bit to see where her shots were landing. She was all of 5 feet, shooting a 1911 at 10 yards. Her shots were landing a bit high in the pit but still had a lot of rubber behind them so there wasn’t any need to say anything.

But the more I watched her shoot and studied her target the more impressed I became because I realized what she was doing.

This was not random blasting. She was really, really good.

That’s called getting the most out of your target purchasing dollar.


There was not a single shot outside of the silhouette.

She was systematically trying to shoot out all the black. And succeeding.

That’s called getting the most out of your target purchasing dollar.

I found out that every time her and her husband come to the range they purchase only one target each and don’t leave until it’s very well ventilated. All in the black. (BTW: She’s a better shot than he is)


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