Some people are just not as smart as they think they are.

Black people with... guns? How is this even possible?
A very bizarre accusation by Anti-2A people has become popular lately and it really has the majority of us gun owners scratching our heads. I first came across it a few years ago and after the events of 2020 it appears to have gained a few more mind-numbing believers.
Evidently, some smug, self-absorbed, supposedly important and influential people in the media think black people aren’t gun owners and white people (specifically white males) don’t want them to be.

I guess because, you know, racism.
A few years ago a writer named Daniel Rivero #DanielRivero wrote an article about the police shooting of Philando Castile by Officer Jeronimo Yanez. It was a contentious shoot for a number of reasons but what stood out was Castile, a black man, was a legal gun owner licensed to carry in Minnesota. Officer Yanez said the justification for him firing his weapon was that he felt that Castile was reaching for his gun after being given the command not to. The Ramsey County (Minnesota) District Attorney’s office with investigative assistance from the FBI charged Officer Yanez with second degree manslaughter. The trial resulted in a not guilty verdict, Officer Yanez was fired for his actions that night and the civil suit brought by the family of Castile resulted in a $3.8 million settlement.
Because the NRA was not as quick to condemn the police actions as he would have liked, Rivero accused the NRA of being a racist organization saying that if this were a white gun owner the NRA would have rallied around him and got on the “police are evil” bandwagon. That compelled him to write the article, The Second Amendment Was Never Meant for Black People: Why isn’t the NRA outraged about the police killing of a lawful gun owner?
True, it’s old news from 2016 (I might write a post to answer this and his most recent accusations in the future), but ignorant attacks like this are still being thrown about. Rabid gun control activists have doubled-down on the race card in an effort to gain support for their anti-2A agenda. Leading the charge are race baiters, political pundits, talking heads and vapid celebrities. Take for example these choice nuggets from the lovely ladies at The View:
“Gun laws would change in this country once Black people start getting guns.” - Joy Behar

Don't tell #JoyBehar we already have them. She may have an aneurysm.
“You can have your other ‘yee-haw’ guns, whatever you want. The AR-15 is not a hunting gun. It’s not a gun where you’re going to go out and shoot your dinner. This gun is meant to kill people.” - Whoopie Goldberg

"Yee Haw" guns? Who, pray tell, could she be talking about? #whoopiegoldberg
Yes, these are racist, ignorant rants from “C” List celebrities but unfortunately they have a following that hangs on their every misguided, prejudicial word without using the least bit of due-diligence. These anti-2A people understand that emotional vitriol plays much better to an uninformed populace than logic and facts. The sheep, er, masses, worship these egotistical talking heads.
When the media frames the narrative, silences opposing voices, molds the message and control the delivery system this is pretty much what you get. That is unfortunately the power of the media. They have the ability to spread miss-truths, half-truths and flat out lies as loudly and broadly as they can without repercussion, which is why Goldberg, Behar and Rivero and others can make such asinine statements and not be held accountable for them.
This accounts for the race-baiting lie that only white ignorant racist men own guns and that if more black people owned guns then white people would demand gun control out of fear.
How could anyone believe this tripe? I wonder who’s to blame? CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, BUZZFEED, NPR, MSN? Yep.
It seems as if every time there is a shooting, multiple shooting, random shooting, mass shooting, terrorist shooting (Notice I left out just plain old shooting in the ‘Hood because they don’t fit the narrative), the news media is very quick to trot out the experts. You know the types: well-spoken professors, activists, passionate politicians, vapid celebrities, very important sounding eloquent men and women from renowned institutions and think tanks that give their passionate demands for gun control while launching blistering attacks on the evil NRA. Daytime and nighttime talk show hosts replace their bad comedy monologues with urgent sounding demands that something be done to rid the country of these vile weapons. At some point the coverage will cut to a spokesperson from the 2A community, usually a traditional NRA talking head that will logically place the blame of the crime squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator not the implement used, but that’s glossed over to quickly get a camera in the face of grieving family members or random soundbites from ordinary people on the street that echo the unspeakable horror that guns deliver on a daily basis.
It is then that they find the closest trailer park they can find in Buttfloss, Texas and put a camera in the face of the whitest, fattest, most unintelligent, backwoods “Deliverance” walk-on extra male that they can find. Most likely he will be holding an AR blurting out something about “‘Murica!”, mumbling something about “2nd Amendment rights” that’s barely understandable because they only have 5 teeth in their head. (No disrespect to you Texans. I know you're not like that but they always seem to pick on a southern state and you guys are the closest to me).
“Well, OF COURSE these mouth-breathing Deplorables wouldn’t want black people to own guns!”, the gullible public will think.
It’s called shaping the narrative by reinforcing tired racist stereotypes. Americans on the coasts can’t seem to get enough of this manipulation that passes for journalism. I live in SoCal so I should know.
What I find fascinating is that never has any, reporter, blogger, activist, politician, EVER, ventured to a gun range in a major metro area in SoCal to broadcast what a typical gun enthusiast looks like or *shudder* ask them what THEY think. That’s because It’ll ruin the carefully crafted stereotypes they work so hard to perpetuate.
I personally invite Ms. Behar, Ms. Goldberg or any “journalist” or talk show pundit to come see for yourself what a gun owner looks like. Actually talk to us. We don’t bite. We all don’t drive lifted pickup trucks with confederate flags plastered on the bumpers, chew tobacco or date our sisters. Rather than spewing emotional and uninformed racial propaganda for clicks, why not do something refreshing and take a look in the eyes of the people you choose to stereotype and hear what they have to say.
If they did I guarantee they would be in for an eye-opening surprise.

The check in line on a typical day at the range. Four Asians, two Hispanics to the left you can’t see, a Black man taking the pic, three white guys at the counter being helped by three RSO’s - a Vietnam vet in his 70’s and three women, one White, one Black and one Asian. Yeah, we’re a very racist bunch
If you walk into my range on any typical weekday or busy weekend you will be met by a staff of every race, age, sex, nationality, religion and cultural background that a reasonable mind could imagine. Some have military backgrounds, some law enforcement, but the majority of us are just gun enthusiasts that love to shoot and teach.
When you venture out to the lobby or the shooting lines you would find a virtual United Freaking Nations. Black, White, Hispanic, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, etc. Every religion is represented on a daily basis. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Agnostic and Atheist. (We have lots of church groups come to shoot regularly). Male and female, gay and straight. Political conservatives, old school liberals, hippies, social justice warriors, MAGA faithfuls and more than our fair share of GoGreen disciples.
Oh my Lord, what's that smell!? It's the smell of White Fear!
We have tons of foreign nationals that come in all the time. France, Germany, Canada, Vietnam, China, Japan, Belgium, England, Ghana, Australia. Heck, we had a family from Bali show up one day.
Male & female, white collar, blue collar, millennials, Instagram groupies, geezers, college students, folks in ratty Hondas and $100,000 Maseratis, families, date nights, law enforcement officers shooting right next to some sketchy looking hood rats. BLM t-shirts shooting along side Back The Blue caps. And you know what? There is talk, discussion, laughter, education, admiration, and dose of friendly competitiveness thrown in. All of this in the premier shooting range in the heart of Orange County, California, probably one of the most white-bread conservative bastions in gun-hating California. It’s like living on the Enterprise, Stardate: 3672.35. It’s a pretty awesome sight and nobody really gives a damn what color you are.
You have to ask yourself, “How does this even work?” If you listen to the media there is no way any of these groups should get along, let alone be sequestered in an enclosed building with loaded firearms, but they do.
It’s because of unity. Unity of purpose found in common ground. Gun owners tend to preach unity first and then let diversity take care of itself. ALL of these gun owners believe the 2nd Amendment is for EVERY citizen.
Not everything is about race. To the liberal, so-called elitists who believe they know what’s best for everyone, there are things in this world that transcend race. The 2nd Amendment is one of them. We believe the right to bear arms and self defense is not limited or something to be parceled out by virtue of your skin color.
When it comes to gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment, gun owners see no color.
